Why Do Non-Christians Want the Horror Genre?

October 1, 2023

My starting point is: much art in the horror genre is made out of pagan’s unresolved guilt for sexual deviancy. Every human heart knows only blood can atone. There will be blood. The heart of man knows it. This article is not specifically pro-horror, but discussing why pagans are drawn to, like, and even “need,” the horror genre. The premise for the post is from a book by E. Michael Jones called Monsters From The Id: The Rise Of Horror In Fiction And Film.

It’s not really on amazon, but you can buy it here. Or, below there’s how to watch an interview with him, which I preferred for just the one hour time investment.

This rest of this post is for paid subscribers only; you can become one here.

My starting point is: much art in the horror genre is made out of pagan’s unresolved guilt for sexual deviancy. Every human heart knows only blood can atone. There will be blood. The heart of man knows it. This article is not specifically pro-horror, but discussing why pagans are drawn to,


An Open Plea Against Husband Harassment

September 15, 2023

Lots of christian women still just want to be witches. If you’re a woman in America under 60 years of age I expect you have been brainwashed to believe you are in competition with men. But women aren’t in competition with men. Women shouldn’t be in competition with men in the macro, societal ways. And, in the micro ways, a wife should not be in competition in her home with her husband for who’s better, or, who’s more spiritual.

I’ve been workshopping a theory there’s two types of wives, one thinks she is smarter than her husband. The other type thinks her husband is too mean, a.k.a she’s kinder than her husband.

But both of them believe they’re more spiritual than their husband.

Both the I’m-Smarter or the I’m-Kinder wives have an ‘I know best’ or ‘I’m on an elevated spiritual plane’ belief.

This is unsurprising, because this is the sin of Eve – wanting to be more spiritual. And that’s also why women are more inclined to being fortune tellers and witches.

Those examples are an extreme outworking, but scripture does talk about them. The witches and the psychics are so often women because women have this impulse to be at an elevated spirituality because of their self-effusing enlightened, feminine sensibilities.

There’s more, garden variety ways christian women do this all the time in their marriages. No tarot cards needed.

Unchecked, women easily become a firehose of unsolicited advice and criticism. Wives easily criticize their husbands for:

  • Talking too much
  • Talking not enough
  • Talking in a loud way
  • Talking in a quiet way
  • Working too much
  • Working too little
  • Driving too fast
  • Driving too slow
  • Thinking too much
  • Not thinking enough
  • Spending too much time in recreation
  • Not being fun
  • Too tough on the kids
  • Too easy on the kids
  • Being too assertive
  • Being too passive
  • Waiting too long
  • Rushing

The point is clear, and it can be easily observed in daily life. Women love to tell what men need to do.

And simultaneously (!) many christian women are functionally illiterate about femininity in the Bible and what they must do. Women bristle at the slightest imperatives for females from scripture.

  • Be keepers at home (Titus 2:5)
  • Learn in silence (1 Timothy 2:11)
  • Ask questions to your husband at home (1 Corinthians 14:35)

We put away quarrelsomeness. We fold humility through our wifery. You might not actually know better. Your assessments are fallible. God gave you a very specific head, and often God will minister to your family through the instincts and desires of this husband.

Many wives would do well to talk less and pray more. Men are “won without a word by the conduct of their wives” (1 Peter 3). Swap out a quarrelsome impulse, or to be a busybody in your husband’s affairs, with prayer for him to have wisdom. Pray that if you should speak, you would come in gentle, without quarrels, prudent when to drop it, and ready to do it his way.

Your husband, regular old-Joe that he is, can be rich from how you treat him in your beautiful, inner life together.

The Proverbs ask, “who can find an excellent wife?” This question shows they are rare.

Lots of christian women still just want to be witches. If you’re a woman in America under 60 years of age I expect you have been brainwashed to believe you are in competition with men. But women aren’t in competition with men. Women shouldn’t be in competition with men in the macro,


Homemaking is Warfare: The New, Exclusive, Subscriber-Only Newsletter!

June 10, 2023

So as to not bury the lead, I will tell you the short version right away and then explain the above controversial statement further. I offer a free newsletter received by thousands of gals that has nuts and bolts of homemaking. This includes things like recipes, decor projects, seasonal life, and ideas for children. If you got e-mailed this, you are already on it. If you want to start getting the free newsletter, you can do so here.

The new, paid newsletter examines femininity, and culture. This includes whitehot biblical femininity, wifery, and analyzing culture – art, books, beauty, and movies. It’s only $5. This is reader supported and so there are no ads. You also have access to the private community of like minded homemakers.

There are very few shreds of feminine instincts in the American population. Almost no girls know how to be feminine. But, women can learn how to keep beautiful homes and come to see how powerful they are to strengthen their husbands, and as a result, christendom.


God has a specific design for women. It is to be keepers at home. There might be lots of ways that seem appealing to change culture, but women need to make sure they follow the blueprint God made of how they should engage in the warfare. This includes keeping a home, helping a husband, and raising children well.


Accept your husband is the main character of the family as demonstrated by Genesis 1-3 and re-upped by Paul in 1 Corinthians 11. You were created to be his helper.


This has many layers which is much of what we spend time dissecting on the paid newsletter. A primary function of a women is to be beautiful. I believe a big part of a homemaker’s job is being in touch with the arts. Art is beauty taking forms. A lot of the homemaker’s work is making discerning judgments about art forms for your family and teaching them to make beautiful choices and have wise appetites. Homemakers need to be sharp on this.


So, the free newsletter can be signed up for here. Or, you can just get the content by typing rachelschultz.com into your browser, whatever you prefer.

The paid newsletter for femininity, wifery, and analyzing culture is only here. There’s already an archive of exclusive posts ready for you:

  • Is Filmmaker Greta Gerwig a Closet Conservative?
  • Keeping It Tight, A History
  • Mothers, You Will Give an Account for What You Had Your Children Watch
  • Don’t Try to Control Your Husband, The Terrified Wife
  • The Comprehensive List of Animated Disney Movies That Are a No, and A Why for Each

And, posts coming next like:

  • What Happened to Joanna Gaines?
  • Will the Real Women Please Stand Up
  • Why are the Young People’s Celebrities Not as Pretty? 

Subscribe if you want to win the culture by understanding beauty, honor the patriarchy, make glorious homes, receive new posts, and support this work. My readers are an above average beautiful, lovely, creative, and wise sisterhood of homemakers.

So as to not bury the lead, I will tell you the short version right away and then explain the above controversial statement further. I offer a free newsletter received by thousands of gals that has nuts and bolts of homemaking. This includes things like recipes,


Copyright © Rachel Schultz 2024