October 31, 2022

I share book and movie curations, and one thing you may notice is that we do not use ones that have images of Jesus. I laughed a little bit working on the upcoming christmas curation because when I list that we want christmas content that does not have images of Jesus, many present day christians might find it confusing. Like are these people atheists then? The opposite! The short answer is, we do not do images of Jesus because of our understanding of the second commandment.

This understanding is not new in history, but it has fallen out of style in the american church and I think lots of christians have never thought about that it may not be a good thing to do.

This post may not be very long. But it is perhaps a cornerstone piece of blog content because as said above this is referenced in my book and movie curations. This summary is just in my own words, as a homemaker. It is similar to how I would explain this view to one of my children or a younger mom.

This quotation from the westminster larger catechism in question 109 can help. “The sins forbidden in the second commandment are […] the making any representation of God, of all, or of any of the three persons, either inwardly in our mind, or outwardly in any kind of image or likeness of any creature whatsoever…”

The other biggest thing is to paste the second commandment bible text here from Exodus 20, “You shall not make for yourself a carved image – any likeness of anything that is in heaven above…”

I guess it’s that simple!

Lastly, not a steel trap, or even primary argument but an extra tidbit for consideration that I loved from a friend when we were chatting about this. She in her humorous and straight shooting way simply quipped something to the effect of, “THEY’RE ALL WEIRD.” I think people know every image of Jesus they have seen portrayed made you feel a little off. Partly because it was just, somehow, not enough.

Well like I said, this post isn’t long. It is just an faq to answer!

This post is a part of my very selective curations series of books and movies.

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