November 12, 2022

This post is part of the “ASKING MOMS” series. I love hearing from other mothers who propel or inspire me. We write about a specific topic and one mother’s approach to it with her family. I love interviews so much and hearing from these women has always proven fascinating! Whenever working on these concepts, I feel like more and more subjects keep coming. Please write to me if you have an idea for a topic or someone you’d like to be interviewed.

Today’s interview is Mary Beeke, wife to Pastor Joel Beeke, mother of three, and grandmother of nine. And our topic is teaching children to be hard workers.

Mary has also authored a great book on this very topic – Teach Them to Work.

What are the benefits of children being included in the family’s work, and families working together?

God’s pattern for us as His image-bearers is to obey and love Him, to marry and to bear children, to work and provide for ourselves and our family, and to worship Him and honor Him in all we do. We bring up our children in the fear and nurture of the Lord, trusting in His covenant and praying they will know Him as their Savior. So the first benefit is that we, as a family, are obeying God and fulfilling His purpose for our lives. 

Flowing from that, we are training our children, over the course of approximately 18 years, to be independent and productive adults who love God and their neighbor. We teach them many skills, from cooking and cleaning, to specialized skills that might lead to their career. Attaining skills grows confidence.

There are more tangible and intangible benefits. As our children contribute to carrying the family workload, they get to enjoy the benefits of food and shelter. They have a sense of belonging in the family and they learn to serve each other. We are able to spend quality family time together. They gain a sense of accomplishment from completing enjoyable tasks, menial tasks, as well as difficult tasks. They will feel fulfilled and this will make them happy and content.

Could you explain the four ingredients you write about for the atmosphere of a home – love, encouragement, expectation, and example?

Love is the embodiment of God’s moral teaching. So if the aim of our whole life is to love God above all and our neighbor as ourselves, then this must certainly be the foundation of our homes. Family love is a gift of God that He plants in our hearts, though it can be challenged at times. Our home must be a refuge. This love underlies teaching our children to work, though they might see it differently. So even when they resist work and when they exasperate us, we pray that love drives us to do what is best for them. We will need to use tough love at times, just as God our Father needs to show us when we need it. 

Through the easy times and the hard times of rearing our children, we need to encourage them with our words and our attitude, “Yes, it’s a big job to clean your room, but you can do it, and you’ll love the finished product!” Our attitude shapes our children’s attitudes.  An optimistic, can-do outlook on life and work will most likely rub off on our children, though it may take years.

Example and expectation go hand in hand. We demonstrate by our lifestyle that work is a big part of life. We don’t complain about it, but we approach it with vigor and joy because work is a gift of God. It naturally follows that we expect our children to work on tasks fitting to their age and ability. Children sense our attitude. If we are afraid of working our children too hard, they will likely capitalize on our hesitancy and wiggle out of work. But if they sense that “There is no negotiating with Mom and Dad on this, and even whining won’t work,” they will buckle down and get the job done. Work with them until they master the task, instruct them, encourage them, and thank them for a job well done. 

How do you you transfer a child from parent disciplined to self discipline?

They are born as sinners. God has tasked us, as parents, to “Train up a [your] child in the way that he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it” (Proverbs 22:6). This is a complex and difficult job. We can’t do it alone. We need God’s wisdom and strength, found in the pages of scripture and through prayer. Each one of our children is unique, so we need to find a balance between treating them all fairly and training each one according to their strengths and weaknesses. Many children will resist work in some way, but we must persist. We will need to discipline them, so that they learn acceptable behavior. Remember, a young child understands cause-and-effect events, so we instruct and, or discipline them when they misbehave. When they get older, they can think in more abstract ways, so they understand the value of self-discipline. Discipline, grounded in love, coupled with instruction and building positive habits over the course of many years will result, by God’s grace, in our children taking responsibility for themselves.

Why should christian women maintain orderly homes with their children?

If we look at the example of the Proverbs 31 woman, we have to conclude that she maintained an orderly home: “She looketh well to the ways of her household” (Proverbs 31:27). God is an orderly God, so we should follow His example. There are many practical benefits to an orderly home: we enjoy a more peaceful atmosphere, orderly surroundings help us think in an orderly way, we can work more efficiently, we pay our bills on time, we can find things when we need them, and we have less stress when we need to get ready to go somewhere. Teaching our children the art of orderliness may take years, but they will reap the benefits lifelong. 

But let’s not take orderliness too far by being inflexible, by demanding our children be perfectly tidy, or by being angry or irritable when things are out of order. Let’s be realistic—childhood is messy. Let’s strive for balance—to have our house in a reasonable degree of order, but being able to roll with the punches that will inevitably come.

Could you share a few job ideas for each age range of childhood?

I am convinced that very young children have an innate desire to be big like mommy and daddy, so they like toy lawn-mowers and kitchens. We can nurture this excitement by involving them in our daily tasks, in other words, by teaching them to work as soon as they are able. Children love to play with water, so let them stand on a stool, stand behind them with your arms around them and wash dishes together. Sit in the middle of the living room floor and fold clothes—give the washcloths to the toddlers. Little kids, little tasks. Most children have a streak of independence—don’t squelch it. Let them feed themselves. It will make a mess, but they will learn. Let them do as many self-care tasks as they can, when time allows. If they get frustrated or stuck, help them, teach them, encourage them, and then praise them when they accomplish the task. Start early, so they never remember a time they didn’t work. The extra time invested in training them young will pay off when they become independent at a young age. Don’t do all the work yourself because you want it done perfectly, but expect effort and improvement from your children. Rome wasn’t built in a day. 

— —

Thank you Mary. What a wealth of wisdom! You can purchase her book, Teach Them to Work, on amazon here.

Other posts in the “Asking Moms” series are how do you mother with chronic pain or longterm illness? and how have you healed from miscarriage?

This post is part of the “ASKING MOMS” series. I love hearing from other mothers who propel or inspire me. We write about a specific topic and one mother’s approach to it with her family. I love interviews so much and hearing from these women has always proven fascinating! Whenever working on these concepts,



November 11, 2022

Dear Rachel, I am wondering your thoughts on speaking to your husband when you have concerns about something he is doing. To me it sounds as if you’re saying not to bring it up at all? I am under the impression that it wouldn’t be unbiblical to bring things up in a respectful manner if something is on your mind as long as it’s not constant or nagging, or if he ultimately has the final call and you submit to him. What are your thoughts on this?

Wanting to Be Respectful

Dear Wanting to Be Respectful,

Yes, a woman can make an appeal to her husband as his helper. She must do it wisely.

First, do it on selective, important issues. Every relationship you have, whether it be a friend, your husband, a family member, or an organization you are a part of, can only relationally handle so much criticism or questioning from you. Choose the matters you need to confront on with great priority. I do not want to use any relational commodity on a parking space. You’re communicating to him he is too dumb to make a decision on a parking space on his own. Is the thing you want to confront on a mere preference? Remember, you are trying to make his dream, ideal life come true.

Next, the desire to appeal often comes in areas of the marriage that are contentious, or have history. If a woman has been characterized by trying to control her husband and not acting like he is the king she labors for, the first thing she needs to do is confess she has been out of her lane, unfeminine, and trying to make him her helper. This could be wholistically in the marriage, or she does it on the reoccurring issue. Ask for forgiveness and explain the specific behaviors you intend to stop.

After a wife has had that exchange without caveat, she can begin to rebuild his trust. If you’ve already said your piece on that matter in the past (well or poorly), you are already done for a while. He knows and he will decide. Now you PRAY about it every time you want to say something. (Over all of this is that you should not obey a command from your husband to break God’s law. I think you knew this.)

After a good while, you can learn to make a gentle appeal on occasion. Even gentle appeals have a limit. My counsel would be only to do a repeat appeal if you have significant new information. Your demeanor must be yielding and ready to accept instruction. No preaching.

Do not lose sight that you are before a king in his court. A good marriage is intimate and friendly, but he is the king of your household nonetheless.

Expect that he might not change course from what you shared. Then, you get to work on any changes you need to make or problems to solve to meet his vision.

Do this well, and you will become his most trusted confidant. He might ask for your wisdom often. ♥️

This post is part of the mail bag series. You can submit a question on femininity by dm on instagram or e-mailing [email protected]

Dear Rachel, I am wondering your thoughts on speaking to your husband when you have concerns about something he is doing. To me it sounds as if you’re saying not to bring it up at all? I am under the impression that it wouldn’t be unbiblical to bring things up in a respectful manner if something is on your mind as long as it’s not constant or nagging,



November 11, 2022

Dear Rachel, My husband is high functioning and wants to be at every event, where I am more of an “in the middle” person. If it was up to him we would be at multiple events a day dragging the whole family along and the kids wouldn’t have a routine. We have a rule now where I have three days notice before events and we consider them together. Is that unbiblical? When he does it he drags us to everything and we are all exhausted. He doesn’t see my point of view and how stressful it is for the other four people.

Here’s an example of how he lives and our schedules. He works out five days a week for an hour and a half, participates in three men’s ministries, signed our kids up for soccer three times a week, invites people over one to two times a week and works 11-12 hours days. He doesn’t schedule time for him and I, but does for everything else.


Dear Exhausted,

Remove the rule. Do it his way. ♥️ That you feel you can make a rule or that you must decide together if you will attend an event is a reflex from living in a feminist world, letting you believe you’re just cooperative partners. Rather, marriage is a head and a helper.

It seems you’re thinking of your husband’s desires as just one of your considerations among many. His goals are the starting place! He has a vision of being very involved in your community. Build your life around his vision. Aren’t you glad wives of great men like Martin Luther did this? Do not guilt trip him into not doing hard things. Train your children well so they can go to events. Women can be very creative once they stop the self pity. The event is not about you having fun or an easy time, but with contentment and self control, I believe you will come to like them too.

Start by meeting with him to ask for forgiveness that you have been reluctant to support him on this matter. Tell him you want to cheerfully participate in his vision for the family and you are ready to figure out how to make it go well on your and the kids’ end. Help make his dreams come true.

The schedule you shared seems like a masculine man leading a fruitful life who could accomplish much for the kingdom. Get ready and do it Mrs.! He wants to run hard. There is one day to rest, a helpful regulation from God for all, both the lazy or overworked.

He is not asking you to sin by going to lots of events, he just has a different vision for how the family spends time than what sounds good to you. I would say the same thing to a woman writing me saying her husband does not want to be a part of many social events or she thinks he doesn’t work enough. He decides! You are not the head! As Voddie Baucham puts it, “Anything with two heads is a monster.” Learn how to live happily with what he provides. I think he knows what you think because you burned through a bunch of not gentle appeals. Stop any nagging! He knows your points. You can build his trust back overtime.

If a woman won’t support her husband’s vision for his family’s life until she feels he’s considerate enough, she’s not obedient to God. Or happy.

My position is not that I know your husband has not sinned in any area, including the command to live with his wife in an understanding way. But, I know what a woman is responsible to do as God’s design not contingently. (And remember to be humble that your assessments are fallible.) I am a woman speaking only to women. Finding out if your husband is sinning by not understanding you enough is not my role, or needed. Because similarly, you managing if he should be more considerate of you is not your role.

He knows your heart has not been with him. After a good while if you show your willingness to do things his way, you could learn how to make a gentle appeal. Once he trusts you he is more likely to hear it on occasion.

If all the previous poor appeals or a new respectful appeal does not change his mind and bitterness crops up, repent of it. Then, roll up the sleeves and learn to run with him.

This post is part of the mail bag series. You can submit a question on femininity by dm on instagram or e-mailing [email protected]

Dear Rachel, My husband is high functioning and wants to be at every event, where I am more of an “in the middle” person. If it was up to him we would be at multiple events a day dragging the whole family along and the kids wouldn’t have a routine.


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